Totley Rise Methodist Church


Totley Rise Methodist Church aims to be a church in the community and for the community, increasing an awareness of God’s presence, celebrating God’s love, caring for people, helping people to grow and encouraging people to follow Christ.

We are a lively and welcoming place of Christian worship on the South West outskirts of Sheffield, England.  

You can sign up to receive email updates              We also offer Room Hire      

Latest Updates

The meeting about this proposal to reorganise the Sheffield Circuit has been held, but you can View the document here.

A recent edition of the Totley Independent newspaper contained an article written by our own Stuart Barlow about last year's project to stabilise the riverbank. 

You can read the article and see the pictures here.


Prayer Requests

Here at Totley Rise Methodist Church we believe that the grace, power and healing of God are available to all through prayer. At this time when one-to-one prayer ministry may not be possible, we invite you to send us your prayer requests by emailing us at:

If you send to us prayer requests which identify others such as family members, friends, neighbours or work colleagues, then please obtain their permission for us to pray for them at your request.

We have a dedicated prayer team of trained volunteers who will hold before God in prayer whatever needs or concerns you may send us. All prayer requests will be handled in the strictest confidence. Even though it is not possible to reply to individual requests for prayer, please be reassured that the members of our prayer team will bring before God whatever needs you present.

About us

Every Sunday we hold a contemporary worship service at 10:30am, many of which are available on video. (Before the pandemic we also held a service in a more traditional style, and a quieter and less structured service once or twice a month. We hope to return to having greater variety).  On the second Sunday at 3pm "Focus Church" takes place.  This is a time of worship specially structured for those who have learning disabilities and cognitive difficulties.  

Before our main Sunday worship services there is a special 'Toddler Praise' service in the church where parents and pre-school children can worship together for a short time. They gather from 9:00 am for refreshments, before worship at 9:30 am. 

Youth Church activities are available while the main Sunday Service is taking place. On most weeks, the first 10 to 15 minutes of the morning service is planned for all ages worshipping together, then the children move together to the TRM Centre. On the 4th Sunday each month, at our monthly All Age Worship services, the children remain in the church for the whole service with their families and the rest of the congregation. 

On the 1st and 3rd Sunday mornings families with children can meet together for Outdoor Church in the Peak District - a 'fresh expression' of worship, supported by TRM.

Since we restarted services in church we have streamed them on Facebook Live and later uploaded them to YouTube. The most recent services are directly available via our Videos page. Older services are available via our Facebook and YouTube channels.

In normal times we are a busy Church with group activities taking place throughout the week from Pushchair Club to Knit and Natter and there is a particular emphasis on welcoming and making provision for young families.  Check our weekly noticesspecial announcements and calendar for information about our upcoming activities. Our Magazine (Alive!) reports on completed events and looks forward to approaching ones.

The Church premises include the TRM Centre - a community hub with rooms to hire and kitchen and toilet facilities. Outside is our Quiet Garden - a crafted space of tranquillity in a setting of carefully managed flowerbeds and biblical references.  This popular feature is now on the itinerary of the Totley Open Gardens - an annual event raising funds for local charities.

Contact us to find out more.


The Methodist Church is committed to safeguarding as an integral part of its life and ministry.  Safeguarding is about the action the Church takes to promote a safer culture.  This means we will:

Contact the Safeguarding Officer at

Please see our Safeguarding Policy Statement

Life Events

Getting married at Totley Rise

The day of a wedding is a fabulous occasion and a marriage service, wherever held, is a public declaration of your love and commitment for each other.

We love having couples celebrate their happy day in our church and, of course, if you do choose to get married in church, there is an added dimension to your wedding. 

Including God in your marriage is no guarantee that you will avoid all the usual ups and downs associated with a lifetime relationship ! However, the great news is that you will know that you can look to God for help and guidance and His love will sustain you. You will, of course, also have the support of this local Christian church and the community of people who worship here.

If you would like to speak with the minister further about arranging your wedding, including same-sex weddings, please contact us to find out more.

Baptisms and Dedications

We usually have baptism or dedication services as part of our Sunday morning  worship and we especially try to include them in our All Age Worship. These are always lovely events and the whole congregation, including our children, will really enjoy celebrating with you. Early Christians brought their whole families to be baptised and that is one of the reasons why we baptise infants. However some parents feel that the act of baptism is only to be taken at the time of personal response and prefer to have a service of thanksgiving and dedication. This Church is happy to provide for both these understandings.  

If you have come to faith as an adult and have not been baptised previously we are also able to offer adult baptism.

In the Methodist Church we recognise that God’s love and grace extend to all of us before we could know anything of it.  There is a passage in the Bible that says 'For you created me in my inmost being. You knitted me together in my mother’s womb' (Psalm 139) and this is important to our thinking, both in the service of infant and adult baptism and in the dedication of a young child. 

If you wish to have your child baptised or dedicated, or are seeking a believer’s baptism for yourself, please speak to the minister who will talk with you further about what is involved.


Christians believe   that the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ gives them hope and cause for thanksgiving in the face of death. A Methodist funeral service acknowledges this hope and offers the bereaved the opportunity to remember their loved one's life and offer them into God's care.

Taking funerals is an important part of our minister's work and the Rev Phill Borkett  is available to lead a personalised service which can either take place here at the  Church, or at the crematorium or cemetery.  He will also offer comfort and support both before and after the funeral itself.  If you would like the assistance of a minister, please contact us or ask the funeral director.  It is important the minister is consulted before booking the date and time of a funeral.