This page describes our main services, the ones for people with special needs, our prayer activities, our fellowship groups and where to hear recordings of our sermons.
Main Worship Services
Sunday Services
Our main contemporary worship services, take place every Sunday at 10.30am - usually led by our worship group. Most weeks these services are broadcast on Facebook Live, and later uploaded to our YouTube channel.
On the second Sunday of each month at 3pm "Focus Church" takes place. This is a time of worship specially structured for those who have learning disabilities and cognitive difficulties. (See below).
On the first three Sundays each month "Toddler Praise" is held, specifically for parents and pre-school children. This starts at at 9am with refreshments and the praise begins at 9:30am
We have our All Age Worship versions of the 10:30 am services on the 4th Sunday of each month and we also have occasional Healing services.
Please check our calendar for dates.
Worship Group and Band
We have a lively worship group and band to lead our 10.30 am morning services. They meet in the church, usually on Thursdays at 7.00pm, to rehearse for Sunday worship. If music is one of your passions, please email enquiries@totleyrise.co.uk for further details.
Opportunities for Prayer
Prayer is an important part of Christian life and you will find that it features strongly at Totley Rise. We have a comfortable room set aside for prayer and prayer ministry is available after any of our worship services.
Prayer is central in all our worship but while our regular Tuesday prayer group is currently suspended, we invite you to send us your prayer requests by emailing us at prayer@totleyrise.co.uk.
If you send to us prayer requests which identify others such as family members, friends, neighbours or work colleagues, then please obtain their permission for us to pray for them at your request.
We have a dedicated prayer team of trained volunteers who will hold before God in prayer whatever needs or concerns you may send us. All prayer requests will be handled in the strictest confidence. Even though it is not possible to reply to individual requests for prayer, please be reassured that the members of our prayer team will bring before God whatever needs you present.
Prayer Chain
Prayer needs can be circulated amongst church members by telephone or email. If this is something in which you would like to participate please contact enquiries@totleyrise.co.uk.
If you have a need to be prayed for then we invite you to send us your prayer requests by email at: prayer@totleyrise.co.uk.
Focus Church
A special church service for people with learning disabilities and cognitive difficulties. The service is a time for worship, creativity, fun and fellowship.....and an opportunity for carers to chill.
The service is on the 2nd Sunday of each month from 3.00pm to 4.30pm
If you are interested, please come along, or if you would like to know more, please contact Sue or John Freeman on 0114 236 6819 or email: sueandjohn6@talktalk.net
Peaks Outdoor Church
On the 1st and 3rd Sunday mornings each month, families with children can meet together for "Outdoor Church". It is a great way for all ages to learn more about God's world and the Christian faith through an informal nature-focused time of fun and worship, based at Cliff College. For further details please see the Outdoor Church Facebook page.
Totley Rise Methodist Church supports Peaks Outdoor Church as a 'Fresh Expression' of worship
See our Services
Most weeks our main 10:30am Sunday Services services are broadcast on Facebook Live, and later uploaded to our YouTube channel.
Fellowship / Home / Small Groups
These are small groups of people choosing to meet together in relaxed and informal settings. These groups provide a great opportunity to get to know each other better and build friendships as well as an opportunity to explore the Christian faith and expand opportunities for conversations about the things that matter.
The tradition of meeting in small groups stretches back many years. Early Methodist gatherings were called 'societies'; they were formed to nurture people as they responded to the Gospel message.
The founder of the Methodist movement, John Wesley, encouraged different kinds of small groups to develop so that both leaders and members of the movement could receive support and deepen their faith.
These groups became central to the developing church, through them accountability was sustained, the Bible was studied, prayer life enriched and members offered support to one another so that faith could be put into practice in everyday life.
These supportive small groups are still found to be one of the most powerful ways for people today to feel that they belong to a Church; they provide an opportunity for learning and growth. Recently, they have been described as: "The relational glue which can hold a Church together - particularly of value when large numbers of people come together on a Sunday to worship."
If you would like further details about joining a small group, please contact enquiries@totleyrise.co.uk.